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Counselling in Perth

Our qualified and professional Perth based counsellors are available right now to help you. Easily book a telehealth or in-person session with any of our Perth counsellors in a few easy clicks.

238 Sessions
100 Sessions
Repeat Clients
Very Responsive

Stirling, WA10.1 kms away

Jo Crothers


238 Sessions

Stirling, WA10.1 kms away

Specialises in:
AnxietyRelationship IssuesTrauma and PTSD
+2 more
$149$1.49With Medicare rebate

Next Available

Mon, 10:00PM
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580 Sessions
500 Sessions
Very Responsive
Super Schedule
Emmelyne Ah-time


580 Sessions
Specialises in:
+4 more
$49$0.49With Medicare rebate

Next Available

Tue, 5:00AM
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Can counselling help me?

Absolutely! Our counsellors in Perth are trained and qualified to help with a range of different issues from anxiety, stress to relationship problems. Consistent and regular therapy is simply one of the best ways to achieve a more stable and peaceful life.

Telehealth or in-person appointments?

Perth is a small city, so often access to qualified counsellors can be limited. This is one of the many reasons people are choosing telehealth sessions over in-person, as it provides you with more options to choose from. Others do prefer going to see their therapist in-person, if this is you, then you can also book an in-person appointment with many of our Perth based counsellors.

Can I book with multiple counsellors?

You can book a session with as many of our Perth counsellors as you'd like and they will not see your appointments with other therapists. This gives you the ability to book many free consultations with different therapists, until you find the perfect one for you.

Is it secure?

Yes, all your communication, bookings and appointments are secured by the industry standard in encryption.