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Meet Kerry-Ann

Psychologist who specialises in emotional disturbance.

22 Oct, 2022

Emotions are a normal and natural part of life. They are our response to the people, events, and circumstances around us. They can be positive, such as happiness, love, or pride or they can be negative, such as anger, sadness, or fear.

Most of us want to feel positive emotions more often than negative ones. But sometimes it seems like the negative emotions are in charge. We may feel like we're on an emotional roller coaster, with our moods going up and down all the time.

Our emotions are influenced by many factors, including our thoughts, physiology (the way our bodies work), and environment (the people and things around us). All of these factors interact with each other to create our emotional state at any given moment.

The Role of Thoughts in Emotion

Thoughts play a big role in how we feel. If we're constantly thinking about all the things that could go wrong or dwelling on past mistakes, it's no wonder we feel anxious or down most of the time. On the other hand, if we focus on what's going right in our lives and all the good things that have happened to us, we're more likely to feel happy and hopeful.

It's not always easy to control our thoughts, but there are some things we can do to lessen the power of negative thoughts and give positive ones a boost:

  • Be aware of your self-talk: What kind of things do you say to yourself when you're feeling good? When you're feeling bad? Make an effort to catch yourself when you're being too hard on yourself and give yourself some credit when you've done something well.

  • Be mindful of your thoughts: Pay attention to what you're thinking about throughout the day. Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative? If they're mostly negative, make a conscious effort to start thinking about things that make you feel good.

  • Challenge your beliefs: Are your beliefs serving you well? If not, it might be time for a change. If you believe that you're not good enough or that you'll never achieve your goals, ask yourself where those beliefs came from and whether they're really true. Chances are they're not!

Manage Emotional Disturbances

There are a number of things we can do to help manage our emotions in more positive ways. We can:

  1. Identify and label our emotions

  2. Talk about our emotions with others

  3. Express our emotions in creative ways

  4. Pay attention to our physical health

  5. Develop healthy coping mechanisms

  6. Practice mindfulness or other relaxation techniques

  7. Seek professional help if needed

Get Help to Control Your Emotions

It's normal to experience a range of emotions throughout the day, but when emotions begin to affect your everyday life and relationships, it might be time to seek help. Working with a therapist can assist in identifying triggers and patterns, as well as providing tools for managing emotions in healthy ways. In addition, therapy can also help to address any underlying issues that may be contributing to difficulty controlling emotions. Therapy is not a sign of weakness - it takes strength and self-awareness to recognise that you need support and make the choice to work towards a healthier relationship with emotions. Don't hesitate to reach out for help in tackling this important aspect of mental health.

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