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Meet Zhi Xuan

Psychologist who specialises in marriage issues.

Zhi Xuan Tan


163 Sessions



163 Sessions
Updated on 17 Feb 2022

There is no guidebook on how to successfully navigate a marriage, and it can be so frustrating when you both are not able to see eye to eye and get caught in a pattern of arguments and fighting.

Our trained and qualified therapists will establish what yours and your partners expectations and hopes are, then they will look at the problem in depth and consider each of your views equally.

The success rate for couple’s counselling has shown to have tremendous results when regularly attended and taken seriously. In fact, it's the best tool we have to help resolve issues and learn to be more emotionally available and loving toward one another.

Are marriages declining in Australia?

Since 2000 the number of marriages has declined 23.7% in Australia. This is in-step with the rest of the developed world.

The landscape of family stability and child rearing is being fundamentally changed by this shift to solo living.

What's the average age to get married?

In Australia, the average age for females to get married is 28.3 years old and for males it is 29.9.

How many marriages end in divorce?

In Australia, 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce, but surprisingly, marriages today are lasting longer than those 2 decades ago.

How long do marriages last for?

In Australia, the average length of a marriage is 12.1 years. In 1993 this was just 10.7 years.

9 Marriage Warning Signs

  1. You find yourselves constantly having the same argument and fights

  2. Your relationship makes you feel unworthy or less than

  3. You find it difficult or scary to talk about your feelings to your partner

  4. Your sex life has great diminished and all passion has left the relationship

  5. You’ve become more interested in spending time with other people

  6. You often fantasise about what it would be like to live without them

  7. You feel irritated by everything they do

  8. You feel drained after being with them

  9. You increasingly prioritise your children over your partner

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